Ases Fashion Book

Thursday, July 7, 2016


HELLO SUNSHINE!"The tans will fade but the memories will last forever"
Hello there my dear friends, ,my admirer and everyone reading this. Its me Ases Prasai and i finally am here with a new fashion article about summer. Summer is so mesmerizing for me and i find it full of happiness and i dont mind wandering around like lil birds to see its beauty at all.
        I could prolly write a novel if i have to say about summer so lets get back to the article here. Don't forget to give your opinion and help me know what do you think about it :)

 The one i am wearing is a self designed Tshirt From The Harper's shop. I must tell its really comfy and exciting to wear. The small hem it have gives it an amazing outline as well the semi long sleeves of it mark a rare and novel look to your outfit. If you want to order these kind of T's , feel free to leave a message.



Show up your knees a bit this summer. DIY your plain jeans with a straight cut on the knees of it and rock them this summer, you wont believe its so easy to bend your legs in these  skinny jeans and so in trend right now. So want to be trendy this summer grab your scissor and make it happen :D



When you are all set to rock your day choosing the best outfit for you and trying to be so spectacular , why don't you try and add a hat on to it. you would obviously be standing out in croud and will be looking chic and sassy as well.


Here i have wore a jumper that i designed my self from The Harper shop for men . This one here is too comfy to wear and the oversize looks of it gives you hipster look and that quite looks amazing.
Black has always been my favorite color and i have lots of black jumpers but this one is quite different as you can see.


Summer without shades is like a fish without a water for me haha serioulsy i cannot imagine a day without shades on my eyes. Ofcourse it built up my confidence as well i feel like i am looking even better with the shades, like a fragnance in a gold. Don't forget to try these pairs of shades its really cool.


Accessorizing in my view is very important if you are looking forward to carry your dress bringing attention to your best point and minimizing your worst. One extremely important reason to pay attention to your accessories is that even though they may feel insignificant, if you take the time to make sure your accessories are also on point, you’re going to look chic and dapper than you would have otherwise. After all, it shows that you paid attention to the details, and when you really get down to the basics of dressing well, paying attention to the details of accessories is what matters the most. Ultimate selection is most or else wearing the wrong ones will completely undermine your attempts to look stylish and well dressed.


1. In the world of fashion, some colors are considered “neutrals”. Neutrals, which are white, beige, gray, black, tan, khaki, ivory, etc., can be matched to any other color and do not count as “colors” in color schemes. When it comes to creating color schemes, you should always make sure that you create harmonious color palettes that carry your mood and personality.  Wearing neutrals colors has never been out of style. And also some soft & light colors can be added which can be combined to your dress.So try maintaining perfect color combo when you go out.2. looking good only doesn't count if you lack grooming habit, Don;t forget to carry a bottle of good cologne, body cream, sunblock cream, a hair wax and a face wash.

Yours stylishly
Ases Prasai

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